Now look at this treat... not much for the eye, it's kind of squashed… well that could have happened on the way home. It's not perfectly shaped, whatever that shape is supposed to be, and I don't care. This kind treat is something you find only at a local candy store; a place where people make the candy right in front of you. They have higher standards to keep up because if it's not tasty, they have to see you face to face, not like these large candy companies that don't return your calls.
In particular this kind of treat is about people who love making candy. This Bear Paw was no exception to the small-time candy makers brilliance and attention to detail. The caramel was smooth, the chocolate was a good quality, not the best ever but not bad. But then there’s the nuts... I think that was my only true concern with this treat, I really didn't taste them at all. I did occasionally crunch into one but the caramel overpowered the flavour and texture very quickly. The same thing happened with the chocolate as well, but I'm not too sure how you would deal with that.
This was a fine treat, and obviously made by hand with love. It’s not a perfect treat as it could use a little more balance of flavours, but I was happy to eat the whole thing.