There is a lot more marketing going on with these gummy bubbles that doesn’t really match the treat you get. Basically what you get is a small handful of very oddly shaped gummy bubbles. I say they’re oddly shaped because almost all of them had at least one flat side to them, some had multiple. I also had several bubbles that appeared to be ripped in half. So from a design perspective it felt like these chewy spheres didn’t really cut it. Taste wise they seemed to be kind of fruity, but I had a hard time figuring out what fruit they were supposed to be. Texture wise they were fine, but fairly average soft gummies.
If these were simply marketed as a gummy that you eat out of the package, then I would probably call these a bit of a failure. You’d think something that’s supposed to represent bubbles should be very round. The thing is that these gummy balls had a little extra marketing that made them kind of unique. First of all, on the package they have many suggestions on what you could pair these gummies with. They recommend drinks, ice cream and all kinds of desserts. They also suggest you can eat them on their own, but they don’t even make that as simple as it would appear.
In each package there’s not only the handful of Bubble Gummy treats, but there’s also a small magic wand with a pointy end. My wand happened to be green with a star on the end, I’m not sure if they’re all the same. This basically creates a game for you to try and stab these slippery gummy balls with your wand. It makes eating these a little more fun, and slows you down a little so you can enjoy them. I could easily see someone just taking these and dumping them all in their mouth in one quick gulp. While that would be satisfying at first, I really enjoyed the game I had to play instead.
I wouldn’t call these gummies revolutionary, but they did present a treat in a new shape (for me at least). They also didn’t just throw them in a bag and let me hope for the best. Instead they suggested some unique ways to eat them.