Butterscotch Macaroons


Some might say that chocolate macaroons are an acquired taste; if this is in fact the case, it is a taste I have yet to acquire. It's not that I hate them; in fact, on occasion at a party or social event I’ll be known to dip into the candy bowl and take one. They're just not the kind of treat I'd ever buy for myself. I've never craved them and frankly don't know if I ever want to. The thing that caught my attention with these new macaroons was the butterscotch flavour.

Not enough candies have a butterscotch flavour now a days, caramel seems to have taken this flavour over. I'm not sure if I could always tell you the difference between butterscotch and caramel. I would say off hand that butterscotch is a slightly creamier flavour than caramel, but it’s not always the case. I’m sure there’s a different manufacturing technique for the two, but I’m not up on that science. Since the butterscotch flavour in these macaroons seemed novel, I figured I'd give them a shot.

The problem with this candy is that the "butterscotch" flavour lasts about 2 seconds at best. So basically, I just found myself eating at a box of regular macaroons. By the time I was onto my third one the butterscotch taste was pretty much gone completely. The coconut and chocolate flavour just started to dominate my mouth.

You'll notice that I didn't give this a high score. Remember, that I don't hate macaroons. It's just that I'm not a big fan and I also hated being deceived with the possibility of butterscotch.