I totally understand if you think that this is not a candy. In fact, I’m fairly sure that it’s not a candy either. The only reason I’m not 100% sure that it’s not a candy is because it was given to me along with a handful of other candies. My suspicion is that this is closer to a vitamin C tablet than a candy. Having said that, if we’re to examine vitamins and candy we’ll find many similarities. This is particular true lately as vitamin companies are often selling their vitamins in candy form, and candy companies are starting to boost the healthiness of their treats by adding vitamins. So it’s completely logical that not only would I get them confused, but maybe I’m not so far off base.
Once you take these little candy tabs out of the package, you’re definitely looking at more of a vitamin than a candy. They’re pretty much small square tablets, very boring. Flavour wise is where it gets a little more grey. I would describe these as surprisingly sour. Regular vitamin C tablets are often a little tart, but I would describe these as pretty sour. The lemon flavour is also very nice, and works well with the sourness. Texture wise we’re back into the realm of vitamins again. It feels more like compressed powder than a candy, I even tried to suck on one of these and it was just kind of gritty.
So maybe these are vitamins, maybe they’re candies, I’m not totally sure. The lack of English on the package doesn’t help at all, and my translation tools could only roughly make out the words “vitamin C”. Either way I’m happy to have tried them, they tasted fine enough and it seems like I got an extra dose of vitamin C.