What would I do for a Klondike bar? Well, I would run across North America naked singing the praises of Good Humor products. In fact, I don't even need a Klondike bar to do that. All you really have to do is ask. Actually, I'm asking you, can I run naked across North America while singing the praises of Good Humor products? Well I guess I should talk about this ice cream treat and get off the topic of me running naked all-over North America. I can’t imagine that this visual is helping you think about ice cream.
Did this Klondike Big Stick deliver? Yes, it did. I expected a chocolate covered treat with cookie and fudge mixed in the center. From a very technical standpoint this ice cream treat gave me exactly what I expected. The problem was that it really wasn't that spectacular. If I had set the bar for an average ice cream treat, this bar would be it. The ice cream was okay, it was tasty and smooth enough, but it was nothing that spectacular. The cookies were fine, in that they tasted like cookies. The chocolate was also adequate, nothing that blew me away, but it wasn’t gross either. To be honest, this ice cream bar just didn't really do anything special for me, there was no extra spark at all.
If simple is your thing, this Klondike Big Stick is perfect for you, but if you’re in the mood for something with a little bit more quality or originality, you might want something else.