M&M’s Mix "Peanut"


I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed with these M&M’s. The only reason I say this is that if you take a handful of these M&M’s and pop them in your mouth, you’re likely going to have a very hard time finding the difference between these and regular peanut M&Ms. There are two big factors that lead to this problem. The most important is that the chocolate flavour is really not that strong compared to the peanut. Much like the regular peanut M&Ms the chocolate does add a nice creaminess, but there’s not enough of the chocolate flavour to really stand out. The second problem is that you have no idea which peanut M&M has which kind of chocolate. It’s not like they made all the blue ones white chocolate, all the green ones dark chocolate and so on. Each M&M is kind of a surprise as to which type of chocolate you might get.

While I feel like most people are going to have a hard time figuring out the difference between the different kinds of chocolate in these M&Ms, I still think they’re pretty good. First of all peanut M&M’s are what I consider a candy that I can always go for. If I’m looking for a nice snack and I don’t want to try something new, it’s a consistent favourite. I can’t say that I’ve ever turned down a peanut M&M in the past. So these are certainly no worse than regular peanut M&Ms. While it is difficult to tell the different kinds of chocolate apart, it’s not impossible. So I had a really fun time biting into each one of these and trying to guess what kind of chocolate it was. I didn’t do too badly either after a bit of practice.

So while I feel like these failed a little, I had a lot of fun with them. I feel like the way to succeed with these is to offer dark, white and milk chocolate peanut M&M’s separately. If Mars is truly keen on keeping them together, I would suggest colouring each one with a different candy coating. While this would give away the surprise, it would also let people try to eat an entire handful of one particular type of chocolate and maybe have a richer bite experience. I’m hoping that this isn’t the last of the “Mix” variety that they offer. I think there’s many other interesting combinations that would work with all the different M&M’s.