September 2024








Wispa "Gold"


I think the Wispa bar might be the most underrated bubbly chocolate bar in the world. It’s odd because it’s actually made by a candy company that makes so many amazing bar, even a few other bubbly bars that are much more popular. Probably the biggest problem with this bar is the fact that it’s only available in England. It’s not that I mind going to England, I just don’t get to go there as often as I’d like, particularly I can’t really afford to go there just to get a fantastic bubbly chocolate bar.

This version of the Wispa is very aptly named since it has a golden layer of caramel in it. There are a few other treats out there right now that are called “gold”, but they offer a gold coloured chocolate instead. I’ll be honest, I’d be happier if gold meant caramel and not an off white chocolate. The caramel in this bar is also really great because it’s kind of chewy. I’m a big fan of chewy caramel as it provides a nice texture and doesn’t tend to drip all over the place.

The chocolate is perfect British Cadbury chocolate. It’s similar (or might even be the same) as the Dairy Milk bar. The chocolate melts perfectly on your fingers and is both smooth and chocolatey. The bubble layer might be the only part that suffered with the addition of the caramel. First of all, they had to remove a few layers of bubbles to accommodate the caramel and fewer bubbles makes a difference. Secondly, the wonderful chewy texture of the caramel overshadowed the soft bubble layer as well. This bar might not have been exactly the same without the bubbles, but the bubbles were overshadowed by the caramel.

I liked this bar a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever hated a Wispa bar and this is no exception. I feel like the bubble theme might have suffered a bit with the addition of the chewy caramel, but I also really enjoyed the chewy caramel, so I’m a little torn.